When I come home and Wispy runs to the gate to say 'ammee' (that's his version of mummy).
And when both mess around on the bed with me and Wispy comes to give me a bite and Sprong joins in attacking their mommy to much giggles.
When beautiful people paint their stories in my life. And spread a little of their goodness.
From K, I have learnt so much about relationships and what it means to be a woman with priorities. I extract her wisdom and keep it close. When I grow up, I want to be like K, so in control of her life and such a kindred spirit.
With MT, I have dreams of conquering a new world as we start thinking of consolidating synergies. With MT, I can say let's start a TV channel and she will say OK without batting eyelid and asking 'but how on earth!' MT makes me feel like I can take on the world.
With Blabs, the only person in the world who will never judge me after I have spilled out my guts and showed the entrails.
I think I never say enough to each one of them how much they mean to me, each one a sunbeam that streams into my heart.