Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Wispy goodness

Wispy spreads his goodness every day, an angelic joy that keeps mommy floating in happiness The minute he is up and spreads his gorgeous sunshiny smile, I hug him tighter andwatch how his black curls fall over his forehead as he starts his morning babble.

How can such loveliness be gifted to me? What did I do to be holding this treasure every day, before I let go and let him go into the world and spread more of his Wispy-goodness.

Which will happen when he starts play school in January.

Current improved vocabulary at 21 months:

1. No more (his first phrase emerged at 20 months, yay Wispy!)
2. Ok
3. Neeno (for fire engine and fireman Sam, duh)
4. All farmyard animals and zoo animals
5. Ufflo (for the Gruffalo)

Apart from his regular ya, no, ammee, papa, avva, tata, annae, sitti (for my sisters)

Wispy, you're such a riot and Ammee ADORES you to bitsypieces okay.

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