Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Stress Monster



I'll talk next week.


Anonymous said...

LOL! that sounded just like me a month ago when I was all stressed out too.

have a cuppa, breathe in, breathe out... it'll be over soon!

gravtkills said...

dont forget to breathe

starlight said...

aiyoh. hope things aren't as stressful as you sound. chin up! this too shall pass...:)

Nazrah Leopolis said...


Kak Teh said...

tell me when it is safe to call or sms. meanwhile, i will hide behind pillars when i see you.

Anonymous said...

Don't I know the feeling. Take care.

UglyButAdorable said...

find teh tarik okeh...

Anonymous said...


Jane Sunshine said...

May: Yeah, its over now. Kinda.

Gravt Kills: Yeah, breathing is good.

Starlight: I'm much better now...yeah, it always passes doesn't it?

Nazrah: Just.Did.That.Thanks.

KT:No needlah, I was quite genial yesterday wasn't I?!

Marita: One of those interminable weeks you know.

UbA: I did! And it helped. Thank you very much.

BTB: Mood okay already.

Anon: I drowned myself in pots and pots of tea I tell you!