Sunday, June 11, 2006

Hello From Changi

Hello from Changi International, land of Singlish, clean toilets and kiasu-ism.

I am travel weary but what a blast Dubai was. More later.


Anonymous said...

*echoes back*

HELLO!... HellO!... Hello!... hello...

Kak Teh said...

what??? u were in dubai and I was in Jeddah!!

Sunrayz said...

Hey Jane! It's 30 degs here in London. Wish you could've gone to Dubai during the winter here...

UglyButAdorable said... was dubai?? at sing now?? so aren't u gonna stopby at the m'sia land of the biggest, highest, tallest of possibly evertything??

Blabarella said...

Dubai? They're the ones with the safari? Okay. I don't feel slighted now. Wait, I'm not even sure if Egypt has a safari. Ha.

Ely said...

singapore = kiasuism...enough said.

hope u had a great trip girl!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,

Thank you for your comment on my last entry at I have a new site. I thought you might like to know. Follow the link and visit me.

Have a great trip! Wish I could be in Singapore to say hi.

atenah said...

oh I'll be there soon.

any stories re: land of teh tariks?

30in2005 said...

later, now please....

Jane Sunshine said...

May: I owe you an email. KL was so crazy despite being a supposed free and easy trip.

KT: So close, yet so far!

Sunrayz: Yeah, Dubai was HOT and now London's having serious hot spells. My poor roses.

UbA: I was in KL!!! But too short, too short.

Blabs: How could I have not contacted you if I was near you? Again, so close yet so far.

Ely: Hey hope Ms Sing tak marah. It was okay trip but as always v rushed.

Marita: Someday we must meet and chat over a coffee. I've found your new blog - am I glad that you are in blogosphere.

Atenah: Slowly but surely, I'll try to update.

30in2005: Yes, I'm back!

Palash said...

Hi, nice stuff. Interesting to read the comments. Intriguing.